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  • Writer's pictureAnita Ball

Community Mourns

We’ve entered June and I must apologize for not sending out a May blog. I had some topics in mind, but recently a tragedy occurred in our town and I can’t seem to formulate thoughts beyond that. It is time to leave the keyboard alone and hug my son, and I encourage you to do the same.

The loss of a child is something we’ll never understand. A 10-year-old boy riding his bike to school, never made it to class. A school bus collision took his life in an instant. The unbearable anguish on the parents, must be indescribable… I have no words. I will however, give our city and compassionate strangers, a bow.

People came together immediately offering condolences to the family. Fundraisers began such as T-shirts, and tattoos by donation, as well as a Go-Fund-Me page. All schools lowered their flags to half-mast on the day of his funeral. I have a feeling it’s not over yet. A tsunami of compassion began. This is what humanity should be and I’m proud to see it here in my community.

Please never let a day go by without a loving word or touch with your kids. We all believe or hope that we’ll outlive them, but life doesn’t always turn out that way.

Enjoy your summer and stay tuned for upcoming blogs.

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