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  • Writer's pictureAnita Ball

One Step Closer!

When I first started this writing process, I never imagined all the hard work that goes into writing a book. My ideas of, write-review-publish and everyone will buy it, are a fantasy world! A year later, my views have drastically changed.

First of all, it was much harder to write than I realized. With my years of talking it out in therapy and with close friends, I thought I could easily write about it and I did. I reveal details, and show you horrible things I have done, it is brutal and raw, yet still lacking something. I came to see through my wonderful editor, that even though my descriptions in the event are well written, I needed to reach further into what I was experiencing internally. I thought, it was obvious how I must've felt while being held at knife point. "Obvious" does not reach the fear and inner chaos that I'm trying to portray. I had work to do! Writing my deepest emotions were much more challenging than I thought.

Then came all the technical mumbo jumbo. Please forgive me for my lack of knowledge, as I continue to learn about technology! But, it is an important tool in writing my book and spreading the word. This was another point I had not considered at the start of my journey.

And here we are! You are on my author website and I have created my first blog. This old girl can learn new tricks after all. So, here is the latest update. My manuscript has been reviewed by a developmental editor and I am working on her suggestions, as I mentioned. I am protected by registered copyright and I have three ISBN numbers for my up coming sales. (ISBN's are the numbers that go on the bar code to track each book.)

One final update; the title of my book has been confirmed as "Box of Shame: A memoir of Addiction, Survival and Forgiveness." Watch for it!

Be you!

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