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  • Writer's pictureAnita Ball


Every year I plan to have a peaceful Christmas season, and for the most part, it is. The gatherings are smaller, as well as the spending, yet I still feel the pressure and daily stress of getting things done. There are the usual Christmas tasks and there seems to always be a project on the go, whether it’s creative or a home project. And personal health, needs to constantly be managed. When will the time come that I am laying on a beach on Christmas day, not having a care in the world? Have you had a stress-free Christmas?

Lately, I feel like I’ve been slacking due to my health not cooperating. Aside from the constant battle with diabetes, my asthma has been acting up, along with allergies and possible nasal polyps again. All of this equals, sinus pain, congestion, no sleep, lack of energy and brain fog. The saying, “make time for your health, or your body will choose for you,” was that how it goes? Sorry, brain fog. Anyway, I’ve had this thought in my mind and have realized, I never have an Anita day. I mean a whole day for me. No matter how exhausted I am, how much pressure is in my head or how sore my nose is from emptying a Kleenex box daily, daily tasks must go on. I am still doing what needs to be done. Back in the summer, I had a 12-hour flu. I awoke and made it to the couch. I stayed there for the entire day, other than a couple bathroom breaks and a nibble of food. I took that as MY day, the Anita day. Hell no! That is not how this works! Sure, I spent the day sleeping and did not care about work, or chores, but I’ve got this all wrong. Let me explain how this works.

An ”Anita” Day, involves peace, rest and a chunk of time with no disruptions. It includes the word “No,” and maybe some reading or Netflix. How often do you need a YOU day? Weekly, monthly or longer? I often do take some time for me when I get home, at least to unwind. A few minutes in front of the TV or on my phone is enough to prepare for the rest of the day. But I plan to take an ENTIRE day for me, every so often. It’s going to go something like this:

I will wake up at whatever time my body wakes. I will treat myself to a great breakfast. I will care for my fur babies and sit myself down in front of the TV. I will watch a mindless show, or an oldie sitcom from the 80’s. So far, this could be a normal day, but there’s more. I will admire the clean home I am in, because I prepared the day before, to not do house work. My son and husband will be working, so it’s just me. I will do menu planning, looking up recipes and checking my kitchen for ingredients. I will not be doing any major cooking today, but it feels like a good day to research some healthy meals. (On my next two days off, I will ensure that I have what is needed to do a few days of meal prep.) After some meal planning, I will tidy up some dishes and get dressed. I may crochet for awhile, or tackle my shelf of photos. It may be a good day to organize pics for my family tile wall display. This will take care of the entire day. I may have a movie on while going through photos, or not. I will NOT go to town, or answer to work, or anyone. At supper time, I will make whatever I choose. If I’m in the mood to cook, I will or I might just have a quick sandwich. To end the day, I’ll have a nice soak in the hot tub, then a shower just before putting on a new night gown. I will climb into my bed early and do some social media before calling it a night.

This sounds like a perfect day of doing nothing, but still doing something so important! Selflessly loving and respecting myself. Yes, selflessly because it is never selfish to love others such as your child or family, so you should be treated in the same regard. It should be as natural as the love you give to your family.

As many of you know, I’ve done deep therapy and shared my story so that I don’t keep it hidden inside. I truly believe that releasing traumas is a massive help in healing the heart. Sharing with a trusted wise person, if not a professional, is ideal. Here’s the issue that is starting to sink in; healing has many layers. Life NEEDS to be balanced. It’s not JUST about digging deep and expelling trauma, it has to include healing and caring for the whole self. Do you check yourself each day? Are you letting go of those small daily life stressors? Are you nipping it in the bud when you are not being treated fairly? Life is too short to not fix these problems daily, so that they don’t morph into a larger problem.

Are you taking care of your physical health? You may not have any added health issues, but your temple is important. Physical health benefits every part of our body, including our thought process, stamina, confidence, sleep, and the list goes on. Survivors often have difficulty in taking care of their overall health. They’ve learned that they are not worthy to be loved or important enough. Well, that’s enough! We are no longer, (hopefully) living in trauma, so it is time to take ourselves back! Are you with me? Physically love yourself, give your body the nutrition it needs and movements to strengthen. Emotionally heal the past; don’t carry that with you. No amount of guilt will change it. Mentally be assertive, don’t continue in a negative situation. Either change your attitude or change the situation. And spiritually, open your heart. If there’s spiritual trauma, heal and don’t loose faith. You are a loving soul entwined in a physical body. If your body fails you, your loved ones will still love you because you are a separate entity from your vessel.

My self care day has been planned. Is yours? I’m looking forward to doing sweet nothing all day. I will do this in December, the busiest time! Lol. That is exactly the time that I need to de-stress.

Do you have a plan for a YOU day? Let me know. Comment on the post, or find me on Facebook, Tik Tok or Instagram.

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